
S. vulgaris (Looss, 1900) Railliet et Henry, 1909


Synonyms: Sclerostoma vulgare Looss, 1900; Strongylus armatus Rudolphi, 1802, in part; Sclerostomum bidentatum Sticker, 1901; Delafondia vulgaris (Looss, 1900) Skrjabin, 1933

General: ELC numerous, ILC less distinguished. Only bilobed dorsal tooth present Excretory pore posterior to NR 1.45 - 1.60 mm from anterior end. Lobes of tooth high, rounded, smooth; extend nearly one-half depth of BC. Excretory pore near nerve ring. Anterior deirids near middle of glandular esophagus, 1.45 - 1.60 mm from anterior end.

Male: Body length 14.5-16.0 mm. Esophagus length 1.3-1.4. BC width 480-500, depth 560-610. Dorsal lobe of copulatory bursa longer than lateral lobes. Spicules length 2.1-2.4 mm. Gubernaculum length 220. Dorsal ray length 580-610. Dermal collar purely. There are numerous pimples on genital cone. Protrusions of dermal collar absent.

Female: Body length 20.0-24.0 mm, length of esophagus 1.5-1.6 mm, width of BC 552-650, depth 480-690, distance from vulva to tail tip 6.0-7.1 mm, from anus to tail tip 0.8-1.0 mm, egg size 67-75 x 40-46.

Hosts: Equus caballus, E. asinus,E. caballus X E. asinus, E. przewalskii, E. hemionus, E. burchelli

Locality: cecum, colon.

Distribution: cosmopolitan.