
Poteriostomum imparidentatum Quiel, 1919


Synonyms: Cylicostomum imparidentatum (Quiel, 1919) Ihle, 1920; Cylichnostomum imparidentatum (Quiel, 1919) Vevers, 1920; Poteriostomum pluridentatum Quiel, 1919; Cylicostomum zebrae Turner, 1920; Hexodontostomum markusi Ihle, 1920.

General: With characteristics of the genus. Elements of ELC shorter and more numerous than ILC (74-95 against 38-59). Six elements ILC (two lateral and four submedial) longer than others. Excretory pore and anterior deirids 460-550 from anterior end.

Male: Body length 11.5-14.0 mm. Esophagus length 611-706. BC width 183-256, depth 52-64. Spicules length 0.98-1.11 mm. Gubernaculum length 232-345. Dorsal ray length 370-620. Dermal collar well developed on genital cone. Dermal collar well developed on both sides of genital cone. Appendages of genital cone undeveloped. Protrusions of dermal collar absent.

Female: Body length 11.5-18.4 mm, length of esophagus 700-750, width of BC 215-.240, depth 66-70, distance from vulva to tail tip 1.600-1.792 , from anus to tail tip — 0.652-1.0 mm, eggs size 96-108x48-56.

Hosts: Equus caballus, E. asinus, E. caballus x E. asinus, E. przewalskii, E. hemionus, E. burchelli

Locality: cecum, colon.

Distribution: cosmopolitan.