
Hsiungia pekingensis (K'ung and Yang, 1964)
Dvojnos and Kharchenko, 1988


Synonyms: Cylicocyclus (Hsiungia) pekingensis Kung and Yang, 1964

General: With characteristics of genus.

Male: Body length 9.0-12.3 mm (15.8-17.0 mm according K'ung et Yang, 1964). Esophagus length 701-958. BC width 132-156, depth 39-51. Distance from anterior deirids to head end 514-615, Distance from excretory pore to head end 486-586, Distance from NR to head end 400-457, spicule length 1.18-1.3 mm, Gubernaculum length 237-270. Length of dorsal ray to base of externo-dorsal ray 228-414. Dermal collar well developed around genital cone. Appendages of genital cone consist of paired,separate, oval, slightly flattened dorso-ventral protrusions.

Female: 12.1-16.6 mm (18.5-20.5 mm K'ung et Yang, 1964), Esophagus length 801-958, BC width 177-207, BC depth 45-57, Anterior end to: anterior deirids 601-744; excretory pore 586-744; NR 429-543. Vulva to tail tip 0.987-1.516 mm. Anus to tail tip 415-572. Egg size 114-150x54-72.

Hosts: Equus caballus, E. asinus.

Locality: cecum, colon.

Distribution: Asia.