
Genus Caballonema Abuladze, 1937

Synonyms: Sinostrongylus Hsiung and Chao, 1949

General. Medium-sized Cyathostominea. MC flattened, undivided into inner and outer rings. Posterior edge of MC situated at anterior edge of BC. Amphids not markedly projected through MC on surface. Submedian papillae extend through MC. Tip of submedian papillae long, uniform thickness, about 3 times as long as thick. Stalk of submedian papillae longer than broad. ELC markedly less numerous and longer than ILC. Elements of ELC as long as broad, tips pointed, triangular; insertion point on tips of ILC. Elements of ILC much broader than long, tips rounded; insertion on anterior edge of of BC. Line formed by insertion of elements of ILC straight. Form of posterior edge of elements of ILC straight, unadorned. Support for ELC continuous with, and hood-like at anterior edge of BC; thick, bilayered, triangular in optical section. Septum intracoronare origin on support. Medial insertion of septum intracoronare situated at junction of ELC and ILC. Walls of BC concave, thicker in middle; thinner and curving medially anteriorly and posteriorly. Buccal cavity much deeper than wide, cylindrical. Dorsal gutter elongate, about 2/3 depth of BC. Buccal teeth absent. Esophageal funnel moderately enlarged, rectangular, lined with thick cuticle. Esophageal teeth prominent. Anterior muscular portion of esophagus less than 1/4 of esophagus length. Excretory pore near posterior end of esophagus. Anterior deirids near middle of glandular esophagus

Male: Dorsal ray with 6 branches; proximal branches much shorter than others. Ventral rays equal to laterals. Dorsal lobe much longer than laterals. Externodorsal rays origin at junction of dorsal and laterals. Gubernaculum thin, dorsal handle small to medium-sized and ventral notch prominent. Genital cone short, conical. Spicule tips pick-shaped.

Female: Vulva more than 1 tail length from anus. Vagina longer than sphincter of ovejector. Ovejector vestibule Y-shaped, infundibulum about equal to sphincter. Tail conical, long, more than 2x diameter at anus.

Type species: C. longicapsulatum Abuladze, 1937