
Genus Coronocyclus Hartwich, 1986

General. Medium-sized Cyathostominea. MC inflated, high, ring-shaped, divided into inner and outer rings. Posterior edge of MC situated anterior to edge of BC. Amphids not markedly projected through MC surface. Tip and longer stalk of submedian papillae extend through MC. Tip of submedian papillae bulbous or bullet-shaped, 2 – 3 times as long as thick. Stalk of submedian papillae longer than broad. ELC markedly less numerous and longer than ILC. Elements of ELC longer than broad, tip pointed; insertion point on tips of elements of ILC. Elements of ILC longer than broad, tips pointed; insertion point about 1/4 to 1/2 of BC depth. Line formed by insertion of elements of ILC straight. Form of posterior edge of elements of ILC straight, unadorned. Support for ELC separate from BC, elongate, spindle-shaped. Septum intracoronare absent. Walls of BC straight, without ring-like thickening. Buccal cavity cylindrical, wider than deep. Dorsal gutter nipple-, or button-, or tongue-like. Buccal teeth absent. Esophageal funnel shallow. Esophageal teeth prominent or not. Anterior muscular portion of esophagus about 1/4 to 1/3 of esophagus length. Excretory pore posterior to NR. Anterior deirids near middle of glandular esophagus.

Male: Dorsal ray with 6 branches. Ventral rays shorter or of equal length to laterals. Dorsal lobe longer then lateral lobes. Externodorsal rays origin at junction of dorsal and laterals rays. Gubernaculum large, with dorsal handle and ventral notch. Genital cone short, conical. Spicule tips pick-shaped.

Female: Vulva can be more than 1 tail length from anus or less. Vagina shorter or longer than sphincter. Ovejector vestibule oval or Y-shaped, infundibulum equal to or longer than sphincter. Tail digitiform, short, length less than 2x diameter at anus.

Type species: C. coronatus (Looss, 1990) Hartwich, 1986



Hartwich (1986) erected Coronocyclus for four species with the support of the external leaf crown (ELC) separated anteriorly from the wall of the buccal capsule. The genus is characterized by a suite of characteristics and can be identified easily. Dvojnos et al. (1994) added C. ulambajari to this genus.