Diagnosis and discussion |
# Key to species |
T. serratus |
T. brevicauda |
T. minor |
T. nipponicus |
T. tenuicollis |
T. burchelli |
T. hartmannae |
Diagnosis and discussion |
# Key to species |
C. tetracanthum |
C. catinatum |
C. pateratum |
C. alveatum |
C. montgomeryi |
Diagnosis and discussion |
# Key to species |
C. coronatus |
C. labiatus |
C. labratus |
C. sagittatus |
C. ulambajari |
Diagnosis and discussion | |
# Key to species | C. calicatus |
C. minutus | C. hybridus |
C. longibursatus | C. goldi |
C. asymetricus | C. bidentatus |
P. euproctus (Boulenger, 1917) Hartwich, 1986Figures 1-7: 1. Esophageal region, ventral view. 2. Male tail, lateral view. 3. Male tail, dorsoventral view. 4. Tail of female. 5. Genital cone, lateral view. 6. Fused spicule tips of male. 7. Tip of genital cone, ventral view.
Figures 8-11: 8. Buccal capsule, dorsoventral view, showing junction of ILC and ELC (upper arrows) and inflated cuticular lining of BC (lower arrows). 9. Buccal capsule, lateral view, showing showing junction of ILC and ELC (upper arrows) and inflated cuticular lining of BC (lower arrows). 10. Elements of ELC and ILC and submedian papillae, dorsal view. 11. Submedian papillae and elements of ILC and ELC, dorsal view. Arrow marks curved insertion line of ILC which is deeper dorsally and ventrally than laterally.
© (contents) R.J.
Lichtenfels, V.A. Kharchenko,
G.M. Dvojnos 2003 |