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5. From the past we have got fundamental school
in animal systematic. Our collections are the base for ecological and animal protection
researches. |
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8. Today our library consists more then 150
thousands volumes. Via Scientific library of NAS we have access to Scopus
– one of the most comprehensive database in biology. |
9. We have so called Centers for collective
using of unique scientific equipment. This allows us to share this equipment among
academic institutes. Our Iinstitute has excellent light microscope and we can
use scanning electron microscope or real time PCR machine in other institutes. |
10. Synthesis of traditional morphological
and modern molecular approaches gives us opportunity to work on high level in
taxonomy and phylogenetic. As example here you can see taxonomic analysis of parasitoid
flies, which used for biological control of plant pests. |
11... molecular researches on population level.
12. Study of Ukrainian faunistic biodiversity
to develop programs on its conservation in reserves and man-made changed cenoses.
We are envolved in global international environmental projects (European econetwork,
international Red Lists, CITES), Bern, Rio de Janeiro, Ramsar. |
13. We have done substantiation reports for
creating of ecological corridors on the territory of Ukraine and Animal Red Book
list. |
14. Now we are working on strategy of Bison
bonasus protection. |