Укр Eng


[Department of Evolutionary Morphology] [Laboratory of Developmental Biology] 

Olena Skripchenko

Laboratory of Developmental Biology

Cand.Sci., Research Scientist


Kiev State University, Biology faculty, 1983

Cand.Sci since 1992. Studies: «Bone Marrow Stroma and its cellular composition of terrestrial vertebrates»


Current studies:

Organization and specialization of stromal cell bone marrow peculiarities of terrestrial vertebrates representatives, differentiated by limb loads.



Skripchenko O.V. Morphological and functional bone marrow stroma features of vertebrates representatives in caused by adaptation to habitat// Materials of V International Conference "Biodiversity and the role of animals in ecosystems", 12-16 October 2009, Dnepropetrovsk. 2009. - pages. 26-29.

Skripchenko O.V. Ultrastructural studies of bone marrow stromal of the mammals representatives// Materials of the scientific conference "The morphological state of tissues and organs of the body in normal conditions and with pathology states" 10-11 June 2009 Ternopil. 2009. - pages 165-166.

Skripchenko O.V. Evolution of bone marrow stromal of the terrestrial vertebrates representatives.// "Modern views on the evolution of the organic world." Program and abstracts of the International Scientific Conference. November 18-20, 2009, Kyiv. - 2009. – pages. 72.



I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, 2004-2017