Formation of highly integrated complex structures in evolution
and development of animals.
Comparative anatomical studies have been conducted
in the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 1922. They were initiated
at the Chair of Experimental Zoology and at the Omelchenko Biological
Institute. Since 1930 this studies have been conducted at the
Departments of Experimental and Comparative Morphology of the
newly established Institute of Zoology and Biology (renamed into
Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR in
1939, now Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine). The studies were initiated and led by
I. I. Schmalhausen (the first Director of the Institute and Head
of the Department of Experimental Morphology) until 1941.
Igor Dzeverin
Dr. Sci., Head of the Department
Scientific interests: evolutionary theory,
mammalogy, biostatistics, history and philosophy of biology.
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Pavel Gol'din
D. Sci., Prof., Leading Researcher
Scientific interests: Comparative anatomy,
evolution and ontogeny of marine mammals. Paleontology of marine
mammals. Populations of marine mammals: dynamics, morphology,
mortality factors. Age, growth, and life history of mammals. Zooarchaeology.
Conservation of marine and coastal areas. Marine mammals of the
Azov and the Black Seas.
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Lilia Popova
Cand. Sci., Senior Researcher, Senior Research
Research interests: Pleistocene palaeoecology.
Evolution of the Pleistocene communities. Changes of palaeogeographical
barriers and species ranges during the Pleistocene. Evolution
and palaeobiogeography of the Pleistocene ground squirrels. Evolution
and palaeobiogeography of the Pleistocene voles.
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Maria Ghazali
Cand. Sci., Senior Research Scientist
Scientific interests: morphology and evolution
of skull and teeth. Bats' distribution and ecology.
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Oleksandr Yaryhin
Cand. Sci., Acting Senior Research Scientist
Scientific interests: skeletal development,
morphology of vertebrates, developmental morphology, evolution
and herpetology.
Personal page
Oksana Shatkovska
Cand. Sci., Senior Research Scientist
Scientific interests: formation of bird
limbs skeleton in embryogenesis and postembryogenesis. Changes
of proportions of the skeleton of the limbs in ontogeny of birds
of different adaptive groups. Morpho-functional adaptation of
the limbs of the birds.
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Natalia Akulenko
Cand.Sci., Senior Research Scientist
Scientific interests: Evolutionary peculiarities
of amphibians’ and reptiles’ hemopoiesis under normal conditions
and anthropogenic pollution impacts. Development of the pollution
indicators comprising histological and hematological methods on
animals of anthropogenically transformed habitats.
Personal page
Hanna Sheverdyukova
Cand. Sci., Research Scientist
Scientific interests: reptiles development,
morphology and phylogeny.
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Nadiya Zolotova-Haydamaka
Cand.Sci., Research Scientist
Scientific interests: studying structural
and functional characteristics of osteocytes bone of mammalian
in connection with a different support load on the bone skeleton
and under modeling hypokinesia in experiments
Personal page
Anna Romaniuk
Cand.Sci., Acting Junior Research Scientist
Scientific interests: morpho-functional
and biomechanical features of masticatory apparatus of the Carnivora
(in particular, Mustelidae) in view of feeding strategy.
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Svitozar Davydenko
Acting Junior Research Scientist
Scientific interests: adaptations to the
water in Eocene cetaceans (comparative morphological and paleohistological
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Oksana Vertsimakha
Junior Research Scientist
Scientific interests: statistical methods
in biology; networks in biological modelling, methods of clusterization
and community detection algorithms, non-parametric statistics
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Igor Bogdanovich
Cand. Sci., Senior Researcher, Leading engineer
Scientific interests: origin of birds
locomotor apparatus, flight and birds as class.
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Ivan Shevel
Leading engineer
Activity: Transmission electron microscopy
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Sergiy Shevchenko
Leading engineer
Activity: Lab equipment operation, maintenance
and servicing
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Natalya Slutska
Leading engineer. Technical supply.
Scientific interests: morphology and evolution
of skull anurans.
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Marina Vysotskaya
First category engineer. Technical and material
Scientific interests: spinal column functional
morphology of sharks different systematic groups, cetacean hind
limb embryogenesis.
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Pavlo Otriazhyi
PhD student
Scientific interests: comparative anatomy,
evolution and ontogeny of Pinnipedia, paleobiology of marine mammals,
3D technology in scientific researches, analysis and collection
Personal page
Valeriia Telizhenko
PhD student
Scientific interests: genetic basis of
morphological evolution, animals lifespan, computational biology,
biostatistics, machine learning
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