Укр Eng


[Department of Evolutionary Morphology]  

Nadiya Zolotova-Haydamaka

Cand.Sci., Research Scientist


Department of Evolutionary Morphology

Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine,

15, B. Khmelnitsky Str.

Kyiv, Ukraine 01030

Phone: +380 950046890



Candidate of Science, Biological Sciences - 2008. Specialty 03.00.11 - cytology, cell biology, histology. Thesis: "Structural and functional features of osteocytes while reducing the support load on the skeleton." Supervisor: prof., Ph.D. Natalia Rodionova.

Higher Education, 1994-1999 - Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Biological Faculty of cytology, histology and biology of individual development. Specialty - "cytology, histology and biology of individual development." Qualification - a teacher of biology.



2017 - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Developmental Biology, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine

2009-2017 - Research Scientist Fellow, Department of cytology and histogenesis, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine

2008-2009 - Acting Researcher, Department of cytology and histogenesis, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine

2004-2008 - Junior Researcher, Department of cytology and histogenesis, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine.

2002-2004 - Acting Associate Research Fellow, Department of cytology and histogenesis, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine

1998- 2002 - Engineer I category, Department of cytology and histogenesis, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine

1997-1998 - laboratory assistant, Department of cytology and histogenesis, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine


Research Interests:

Space Biology and Medicine, the study of the structure and functional role of osteocytes.



Osteocytes and their role in the bone under conditions lowering of mechanical loading / N.V. Zolotova-Haydamaka / View: "The Chair", Kyiv. - 2013 p. - P. 85-86.

Morphological features of femoral bone osteocytes in white rats under the influence of hypokinesia / N.V. Zolotova-Haydamaka, MA Islamova // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. - 2011. - V. 2, T. 1. - P. 70 - 72.

Changes in the population of rat femur osteocytes in conditions of simulated hypokinesia / N.V. Zolotova-Haydamaka NV, M.A. Islamova // Вісник морфології. - 2010. - T. 16, No. 2. - P. 381 - 383.

Zolotova-Haydamaka NV Structural rearrangements in bone osteocytes and the decline in the reference load // Orthopedics, Traumatology and protezyrovanye. - 2008. - N 3. - P. 77-79.

Zolotova-Haydamaka NV Some features of changes in bone osteocytes and the decline in the reference load // Ukrainian morphological almanac. - 2008. - Volume 6, number 2. - S. 107 - 109.

Rodionova NV, Zolotov-Haydamaka NV Nitsevych T.P.Histoavtoradiohrafichni studies the biosynthesis of collagen osteogenic cells in simulated hypokinesia // Problems osteology. - Kyiv, 2004. - T. 7. - № 3-4. - P. 26- 30.

Rodionova, N.V., Oganov V.S., Zolotova N.V. Ultrastructural changes in osteocytes in microgravity conditions // J. Gravit Physiol. - 2002. - 30 (4). P. 765-770.

Domashevskaya EI, Zolotova-Haydamaka N.V. Development and structure of long bones of the reptile skeleton // Bulletin of Zoology, 36 (1): 77-84, 2002

Rodionova N. V., Oganov V.S., Zolotova N.V. Changes in the osteocytes. 33rdCOSPAR Scient. Ass. 2000.



I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, 2004-2019