The Ukrainian Bird Ringing Centre

Atlas of Migrations of Birds of Ukraine
One of important results of research
associated with bird banding is determining the spatial distribution
of birds throughout their year cycle, i.e. finding out where birds
of specific population or community of definite species breed,
winter and migrate through on seasonal passages. Geographical
coordinates of bird locations in a particular time can be determined
only by banding. Usually there are coordinates of two points,
a result of classic banding using metal rings, namely ringing
and finding localities. If tens, hundreds and thousands of recoveries
of one species are received, the spatial connections between its
breeding and wintering areas are established more precisely. Review
of these recoveries in book form is considered under title “Atlas
of bird migration (according to banding data)”. Some similar publications
are titled “Bird Ringing Atlas”. In the world the first similar
book was published in Germany in 1931, based on analysis of approximately
9.2 thousand of recoveries: Schuz E., Weigold H. Atlas des Vogelzugs.
Nach den Beringungsergebnissen bei palearktischen vogeln. – 1931.
– R. Friedlander & Sohn, Berlin. Till 2015 similar works have
been published in 12 countries of Europe.
of bird migrations (DOC, 123 kb)
At present “Atlas of Migrations
of Birds of Ukraine” is being prepared. Data base of analysis
is more than 14 thousand of recoveries connected with the territory
of the country. We offer here the first 16 articles of the Atlas.
Most likely, these articles will be revised, and new articles
will be added.
of Migrations of Birds of Ukraine, 2016 (PDF, 1.6 Mb)
vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15, Kyiv-30, 01030, UKRAINE
E-mail: (Head of the Centre A. M. Poluda), (office of the Centre)
+380 (44) 235-01-12