The Ukrainian Bird Ringing Centre

Data Bases of the Ukrainian Bird Ringing Centre
One of main tasks of the Centre
is maintenance of data base of recoveries of birds spatially connected
with the territory of Ukraine. Nowadays this data base includes
more 14 thousand of recoveries from different regions of the World.
In a year, the Centre collects information about findings of several
hundreds of banded birds. These are birds which were banded with
either “KIEV” or “MOSKWA” rings in Ukraine, and birds with rings
of other banding centers. These recoveries have been collected
for more than 100 years. On the territory of the country, first
ringed birds were found in 1911. The recovery data base of the
Centre contains three findings of birds banded on Galindez Island
in Antarctica at Vernadskyi Antarctic Station (Ukraine). One of
them is rather unusual. An adult bird of the South Polar Skua
(Stercorarius maccormicki) was banded near the Station on 1 January,
1998 and it was found in Peru on 10 October, 2011. It flew more
than 6800 kilometres to the north.
Another fully digitized array of
the data base encompasses reports on bird ringing on the territory
of Ukraine. In particular, this data array includes information
of banding of birds with such rings: more than 295 thousand “KIEV”,
nearly 330 thousand “MOSKWA” (since 1976), 45 thousand and 800
hundred “HELGOLAND” since 1990, 1278 “ATHENS”, 1146 “BOLOGNA”,
vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15, Kyiv-30, 01030, UKRAINE
E-mail: (Head of the Centre A. M. Poluda), (office of the Centre)
+380 (44) 235-01-12