The Ukrainian Bird Ringing Centre

Dear friends!
You are at site of the Ukrainian Bird Ringing Centre.
As a rule, our site is visited by people interested in birds,
in particular bird seasonal passages and the most popular method
in migration study, namely banding. Bird banding includes wide
number of methods, of them the classical marking of bird with
metal rings is main. In addition, there are metal colour rings,
different bands such as collars and wing markers, as well as study
of bird migration by means of satellite transmitters and geolocators.
People fairly frequently come across migration
study finding bird rings, catching or observing birds with rings
and other bands. It is important that researchers are informed
about these records. Bird banding is effective only owing to wide
circle of naturalists and other people. It is noted, that for
receiving only one recovery tens, hundreds, thousands or tens
of thousands of birds must be banded, depending on species. The
highest percentages of recoveries are from game birds and ones
living next to people.
The Centre is also informed about findings of
domesticate pigeon ringed by pigeon lovers. We have no information
concerning these birds. Please, visit the special Internet web-sites
to obtaine this information, for example Internet site Found/lost
pigeons – address http://vgs.ucoz.ua/gb/
If you found bands or read ring number on bird
by means of field-glass or photo, you should:
– write all information on ring or other band
(note colour of band if it is coloured);
– identify species of bird if possible, or note
its belonging to any bird groups, namely ducks, gees, birds of
prey and others;
– write record in detail (found ring, shot bird,
dead bird, bird remains, photographed bird or other);
– write date of recording;
– note record locality (region, administrative
district, nearest inhabited locality or geographical coordinates
if possible);
– send or pass bird recording information by telephone
to the Ukrainian Bird Ringing Centre.
Our contacts:
Address: vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15, Kyiv-30, 01030,
E-mail: polud@izan.kiev.ua (Head of the Centre
A. M. Poluda), ring@izan.kiev.ua (office of the Centre)
vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15, Kyiv-30, 01030, UKRAINE
polud@izan.kiev.ua (Head of the Centre A. M. Poluda),
ring@izan.kiev.ua (office of the Centre)