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[ Відділ загальної та прикладної ентомології ]

Олена Петрівна КАМЕНЄВА

Елена Петровна КАМЕНЕВА

список друкованих праць
список печатных работ

тези доповідей та короткі фауністичні замітки позначено синім.

Інтернет-публікації позначено зеленим

abstracts of talks at meetings and short faunistic notes are marked in blue.

Internet publications are marked in green

1. Каменева Е. П., Корнеев В. А. 1985. Мухи-пестрокрылки (Diptera, Tephritidae) фауны Украинской ССР. Проблемы общей и молекулярной биологии. Киев / Kameneva E. P. & Korneyev V. A. Tephritid flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Ukrainian SSR fauna. Problems of general and molecular biology. Kiev, No 4: 67–71. [In Russian]

2. Каменева Е. П., Корнеев В. А. 1987. К фауне акалиптратных двукрылых (Diptera Acalyptrata) Среднего Приднепровья. Ред. журнала «Вестник зоологии» 7с. Рук. депонирована в ВИНИНТИ 04.01.1987, No 7-D87. / Kameneva E. P. & Korneyev V. A. Contribution to the fauna of Diptera Acalyptrata of the Middle Dnieper Region. I. Families Micropezidae, Platystomatidae and Otitidae. Kiev: Editorial board of the journal Vestnik zoologii: 7 p. A manuscript deposited in All-Union Institute of Sci. & Techn. Information [VINITI] 04.01.1987, No 7-D87. 7 p. [In Russian]

3. Корнеев В. А., Каменева Е. П. 1987. Мухи-пестрокрылки (Diptera, Tephritidae) — фитофаги сложноцветных сорняков на юго-западе европейской части СССР. В кн.: Нарчук Э. П. (ред.) : Двукрылые и их значение для животноводства и сельского хозяйства. (Материалы 4-го Всесоюзного диптерологического симпозиума. Алма-Ата, 17–19 сентября 1986). Л.: Зоологический институт АН СССР / Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. Tephritidae (Diptera) as the phytophages of asteraceous weeds in the South West of European Territory of the USSR. In: Nartshuk E. P.: Diptera and their importance for husbandry and agriculture. [Proc. of the 4th All-Union Dipterological Symposium, Alma-Ata, Sept. 17–19, 1986]. Leningrad: Zoological Institute: 36–39. [In Russian; English translation published, but complete data not available]

4. Каменева Е. П., Корнеев В. А. 1988. Terellia colon (Meigen, 1826) = Trypeta varia Loew, 1869, syn. n. (Diptera, Tephritidae). Вестник зоологии / Kameneva E. P. & Korneyev V. A. Terellia colon (Meigen, 1826) = Trypeta varia Loew, 1869, syn. n. (Diptera, Tephritidae). Vestnik zoologii, (5): 52.

5. Корнеев В. А., Каменева Е. П. 1990. Новый вид рода Tephritis (Diptera: Tephritidae) из Казахстана. Зоологический журнал / Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. A new species of the genus Tephritis (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Kasachstan. Zoologichesky zhurnal. 1990, 69, No 10: 138–140. [In Russian; English translation in Entomological Review, Washington, D.C.]

6. Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. 1990. Tephritid flies associated with wild Cynarae in the European Territory of the U. S. S. R. 2nd Int. Congr. Dipterology, August 27–September 1, 1990. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Abstract volume: 119.

7. Корніїв В. О., Каменєва О. П. 1992. Мухи-осетниці (Diptera: Tephritidae), пов'язані зі складноцвітими рослинами (Asteraceae) у Східній Європі. Проблеми загальної та молекулярної біології. Київ / Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. Tephritid flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) associated with asteraceous plants in Eastern Europe. Problems of general and molecular biology. Kiev, (10): 62–74. [In Ukrainian; English and Russian summary]

8. Каменева Е. П. 1992. Мухи-лентокрылки (Diptera, Otitidae) Восточной Европы, азиатской части России, Казахстана и Средней Азии. Вестник зоологии. Kameneva E. P. Picture-winged flies (Diptera, Otitidae) of East Europe, Asian Territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. Vestnik Zoologii [28](4): 24–30. [in Russian; English summary]

9. Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. 1993. On the consortial associations of Asteraceae in Western Tien-Shang. Ukrainisky Botanichny Zhurnal, 50(2): 37–50.

10. Kameneva E. P. & Korneyev V. A. 1994. Holarctic genus Pseudoseioptera Stackelberg (Diptera: Ulidiidae (= Otitidae)). Part I. Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic position Journal of the Ukrainian Entomological Society, 1993 (1994), 1 (2): 65–72.

11. Kameneva E. P. & Korneyev V. A. 1995. Holarctic genus Pseudoseioptera Stackelberg (Diptera: Ulidiidae (= Otitidae)). Part II. Redescription of the genus and review of species. Journal of the Ukrainian Entomological Society, 1993 (1995), 1 (3-4): 69–78.

12. Kameneva E. P. 1996. A new species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) from Tien-Shan mountains. Journal of the Ukrainian Entomological Society, 1994 (1996), 2(3-4): 51–55.

13. Kameneva E. P. 1996. A preliminary review of the Otites formosa species-group (Diptera, Ulidiidae, Otitinae). Russian Entomol. J. 5(1–4): 125–133.

14. Kameneva E. P. Revision of the Palaearctic species of Melieria R.–D. (Diptera, Ulidiidae, Otitinae). 1. The groups of species assigned to Hypochra Loew. Vestnik Zoologii, 1997, 1996 (6): 19–46.

15. Kameneva E. P. 1997. Status of Systata Loew (Diptera: Ulidiidae: Otitinae). Journal of the Ukrainian Entomological Society. 3(1): 49–54.

16. Hernandez Ortiz V., Kameneva E. P. & Korneyev V. A. 1998. A new genus and species of the picture-winged flies (Diptera: Ulidiidae: Otitinae) from Mexico. Journal of the Ukrainian Entomological Society. 1998 (1999). 4(1-2): 73–79.

17. Kameneva E. P. 1999. A new species of the genus Herina (Diptera, Ulidiidae) from Far East Russia. Vestnik Zoologii. [33](1-2): 97–99.

18. Kameneva E. P. 2000. New replacement names in the family Ulidiidae (Diptera). Vestnik Zoologii. 34(4-5): 16.

19. Kameneva E. P. 2000. New synonyms of Euxesta pechumani (Diptera, Ulidiidae). Vestnik Zoologii. 34(4-5): 16.

20. Каменева Е. П. 2001. 76–77. Сем. Ulidiidae (Otitidae, Pterocallidae, Ortalidae) — лентокрылки. В кн.: Лер П. А. Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока России. Т. VI. Двукрылые и блохи. Ч 2. Владивосток: Дальнаука / 76–77. Kameneva E. P. 79. Fam. Ulidiidae (Otitidae, Pterocallidae, Ortalidae) — Picture-Winged Flies. Keys to Insects of Far East Russia. Vol. VI. Diptera and Fleas. Part 2. Vladivostok: Dal'nauka: 151–165. (in Russian).

21. Kameneva E. P. 2002. The first record of the genus Homalocephala (Diptera, Ulidiidae) in Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, 36(3): 14.

22. Kameneva E. P. 2002. The first record of the genus Pseudoseioptera (Diptera, Ulidiidae) in Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, 36(4): 70.

23. Kameneva E. P. 2002. Supplementary notes to the checklist of Kyrghizian Diptera. II. Ulidiidae (=Otitidae). Энтомологические исследования в Кыргызстане / Entomological Investigations in Kyrgyzstan. (22): 149–156.

24. Kameneva E. P. 2004. New records of picture-winged flies (Diptera, Ulidiidae) of Central America, including the description of new taxa. Studia Dipterologica. (2003)10(2): 609–652.

25. Kameneva E. P. & Greve Jensen L. 2004. Ulidiidae. T. Pape, ed.: Fauna Europea. Insecta: Diptera: http://www.faunaeur.org.

26. Kameneva E. P. 2004. A new species of the genus Plagiocephalus (Diptera, Ulidiidae) from Central America. Vestnik Zoologii, 38(4): 15–22.

27. Kameneva E. P. 2005. A new genus and species of the tribe Lipsanini (Diptera, Ulidiidae) from Central America. Vestnik Zoologii, 39(1): 99–103.

28. Karpa A., Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. 2005. Materials on Latvian Diptera. Latvijas Entomologs, 42: 65–74.

29. Kameneva E. P. 2006. East Asian and Papuan species of the genus Herina Robineau-Desvoidy(Diptera, Ulidiidae, Otitinae). Instrumentas Biodiversitatis, Geneva. 7: 15-59.

30. Gentilini G., Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. 2006. Fossil tephritoid flies (Diptera: Pallopteridae, Ulidiidae, Tephritidae) from the Upper Miocene of Monte Castellaro, Italy, and a review of fossil European tephritoids. Instrumentas Biodiversitatis, Geneva. 7: 85-104.

31. Kameneva E. P., Korneyev V. A. 2006. Myennidini, a new tribe of the subfamily Otitinae (Diptera: Ulidiidae), with discussion of the suprageneric classification of the family. In: Freidberg A., ed. Biotaxonomy of Tephritoidea: Isr. J. Entomol. Vol. 35-36 [Proceedings of the Tephritidological Meeting, Israel, 2000]: 497-586.

32. Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. 2006. The first record of the “honeysuckle host race” of Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, 40(4): 350.

33. Korneyev V. A. & Kameneva E. P. 2006. Daisy fly Tephritis neesii (Diptera, Tephritidae): first find in Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, 40(4): 350.

34. Chen X.-l. & Kameneva E. P. 2007. A review of Physiphora Fall?n (Diptera: Ulidiidae) from China. Zootaxa. 1398: 15–28.

35. Kameneva E. P. 2007. A new species of Herina (Diptera, Ulidiidae) from Switzerland, with a key to European species and notes on nomenclature and distribution. Vestnik Zoologii, 41(5): 405–421.

36. Carles-Tolr? M. & Kameneva E. P. 2008. Nuevos datos faunisticos sobre Ulidiidae de Espana y Portugal (Diptera, Ulidiidae). Heteropterus Rev. Entomol. 8(1): 47–51.

37. Kameneva E. P. 2008. New and little-known Ulidiidae (Diptera, Tephritoidea) from Europe. Vestnik Zoologii, 42(5): 427–454.

38. Kameneva E. P. 2009. A new species of the genus Cymatosus (Diptera, Ulidiidae) from Central America, with key to species. Vestnik Zoologii, 43(3): 267–273.

Публікації, що мають вийти друком / Papers In Press:

Kameneva E. P. & Korneyev V. A. Family Ulidiidae (= Otitidae, Pterocallidae). Brown B.V., Borkent A., Cumming J.M., Wood D.M., Woodley N.E., Zumbado M. (eds.) Manual of Central American Diptera, Vol. 2. 2009: 4 p.

[ Відділ загальної та прикладної ентомології ]



Інститут зоології ім. І.І.Шмальгаузена НАН України, 2004-2009

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