Olena Kudlai
<< Personal
PhD Thesis
Kudlai O.S. 2011. Trematode
fauna of Gastropoda from water bodies in Northern Priazovye. –
Thesis for the scientific degree of candidate of biological sciences.
- Kyiv, 2011. – abstract, 23 p. [In Ukrainian].
1. Kudlai O.S. 2009. The discovery
of the intermediate host for the trematode Moliniella anceps
(Trematoda, Echinostomatidae) in Ukraine. Vestnik zoologii, 43
(4): 351–353.
2. Kudlai O.S. 2009. Biology
of Neoacanthoparyphium echinatoides (Trematoda, Echinostomatidae)
in north-western Priazov’ye (Ukraine). Vestnik zoologii, Supplement,
23: 102-106. [In Russian]
3. Kudlai O.S. 2010. First
record of Asymphylodora progenetica (Trematoda, Monorchiidae)
in Ukraine. Vestnik zoologii, 44 (6): 543–546.
4. Kudlai O.S., Yanovich L.N. 2013.
Larvae of Phyllodistomum sp. (Digenea: Gorgoderidae)
a parasite of duck mussels, Anodonta anatina (L.) in
Ukraine. Vestnik zoologii, 47 (6): 387-393.
5. Kudlai O., Stunzenas V., Tkach V. 2015.
The taxonomic identity and phylogenetic relationships of Cercaria
pugnax and Cercaria helvetica XII (Digenea: Lecithodendriidae)
based on morphological and molecular data. Folia Parasitologica,
62:003. DOI: 10.14411/fp.2015.003
6. Kudlai O., Tkach V.V., Pulis E.E. and Kostadinova
A. 2015. Redescription and phylogenetic relationships
of Euparyphium capitaneum Dietz, 1909, the type-species of Euparyphium
Dietz, 1909 (Digenea: Echinostomatidae). Systematic Parasitology,
90 (1): 53-65.
7. Kudlai O., Kostadinova A., Pulis E.E., Tkach
V.V. 2015. A new species of Drepanocephalus Dietz,
1909 (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) from the double-crested cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus (Lesson) (Aves: Phalacrocoracidae) in North
America. Systematic Parasitology, 90 (3): 221-230.
8. Patitucci K.F., Kudlai O., Tkach V.V. 2015.
Nephromonorcha varitesti n. sp. (Digenea: Renicolidae)
from the American white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
in North Dakota, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology, in press.
9. Petkeviciute R., Kudlai O., Stunzenas V, Staneviciute
G. 2015. Molecular and karyological identification
and morphological description of cystocercous cercariae of Phyllodistomum
umblae and Phyllodistomum folium (Digenea, Gorgoderidae)
developing in European sphaeriid bivalves. Parasitology International,
64: 441-447.
10. Kudlai O., Cutmore S.C., Cribb T.H. 2015.
Morphological and molecular data for three species of the Microphallidae
(Trematoda: Digenea) in Australia, including the first descriptions
of the cercariae of Maritrema brevisacciferum and Microphallus
minutus. Folia Parasitologica, 62: 053.
11. Tkach V.V., Kudlai O., Kostadinova A. 2016.
Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the Echinostomatoidea Looss,
1899 (Platyhelminthes: Digenea). International Journal for Parasitology,
46 (3): 171–185.
12. Kudlai O., Pulis E.E., Kostadinova A., Tkach
V.V. 2016. Neopsilotrema n. g. (Digenea:
Psilostomidae) and three new species from ducks (Anseriformes:
Anatidae) in North America and Europe. Systematic Parasitology,
93 (4): 307-319
13. Cribb T.H., Bray R.A., Diaz P.E., Huston
D.C., Kudlai O., Martin S.B., Yong R.Q-Y., Cutmore S.C. 2016.
Trematodes of fishes of the Indo-west Pacific: told and
untold richness. Systematic Parasitology, 93: 237–247.
14. Kudlai O., Cribb T.H., Cutmore S.C. 2016.
A new species of microphallid (Trematoda: Digenea) infecting a
novel host family, the Muraenidae, on the northern Great Barrier
Reef, Australia. Systematic Parasitology, 93 (9): 863-876.
15. Greben O.B., Kudlai O., Korol E.N., Kornyushin
V.V., Vasilkova I.B., Kobylinsky V.V. 2016. A new record of Chaunocephalus
ferox (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) from Ciconia nigra in Ukraine
including morphological and molecular data. Vestnik zoologii,
50 (2): 99–104.
16. Stoyanov B., Georgieva S., Pankov P., Kudlai
O., Kostadinova A., Georgiev B.B. 2017. Morphology and molecules
reveal a third species of the genus Posthodiplostomum Dubois,
1936 (Digenea: Diplostomidae) in Europe. Systematic Parasitology,
94 (1): 1-20.
17. Kudlai O., Kostadinova A., Pulis E.E., Tkach
V.V. 2017. The Psilostomidae Looss, 1900 (sensu stricto) (Digenea:
Echinostomatoidea): description of three new genera and a key
to the genera of the family. Systematic Parasitology, 94 (1):
1. Kudlai O., Georgieva S., Oros, M., Kostadinova
A. Molecular identification of metacercariae of Diplostomum spp.
in fishes from the River Danube. In: 9th International Symposium
on Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain, 31 August – 4 September 2015.
2. Petkeviciute R., Stunzenas V., Staneviciute
G., Kudlai O. Current status of knowledge on fish digeneans associated
with freshwater bivalve mollusks in Europe. In: 9th International
Symposium on Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain, 31 August – 4 September
3. Kudlai O. Morphological and molecular approaches
to the study of digenean larvae from the Curonian Lagoon in Lithuania.
In: 22nd Helminthological Days, Dvorce near Straz nad Nezarkou,
Czech Republic, 4 – 8 May 2015.
4. Kuzmina T., Spraker T.R., Lyons E.T., Kuchta
R., Lisitsyna O., Kudlai O. Biodiversity of gastrointestinal parasite
community in northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) on St. Paul
Island, Alaska. In: 22nd Helminthological Days, Dvorce near Straz
nad Nezarkou, Czech Republic, 4 – 8 May 2015.
5. Staneviciute G., Petkeviciute R., Stunzenas
V., Kudlai O. Cystocercous cercariae in sphaeriid bivalves and
notes on the life cycles of Phyllodistomum umblae (Fabricius,
1780). In: 6th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for
Parasitology, Uppsala, Sweden, 23 – 24 April 2015.
6. Kuzmina T., Spraker T., Lyons E., Kudlai
O. Digenean parasites of the northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus):
prevalence and biodiversity on different rookeries of St. Paul
Island, Alaska. In: Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage,
Alaska, 19 – 23 January 2015.
7. Kudlai O., Smit N.J. Brain infections with
Tylodelphys spp. in Clarias gariepinus and Nothobranchius orthonotus
from the Lower Phongolo River. In: 45th Annual conference of the
Parasitological Society of Southern Africa, Cape Town, South Africa,
28 – 31 August 2016.
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