Personal Page
Yuliya M. Didyk, Ph.D.
List of publications
1. Didyk Yu.M., Blanarova L., Pogrebniak S.G.,
Akimov I.A., Petko B., Vichova B. 2017. Emergence of tick-borne
pathogens (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Anaplasma phagocytophilum,
Ricketsia raoultii and Babesia microti) in the Kyiv urban parks,
Ukraine. Ticks Tick-borne Dis. 8 (2):219-225.
2. Rubel F., Brugger K., Pfeffer M., Chitimia-Dobler
L., Didyk Yu. M., Leverenz S., Dautel H., Kahl O. 2016. Geographical
distribution of Dermacentor marginatus and Dermacentor reticulatus
in Europe. Ticks Tick-borne Dis. 7 (1):224-233.
3. Karbowiak G., Vichova B., Slivinska K., Werszko
J., Didyk J., Pet’ko B., Stanko M., Akimov I. 2014. The infection
of questing Dermacentor reticulatus ticks with Babesia canis and
Anaplasma phagocytophilum in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Vet.
Parasitol. 204 (3-4): 372-375.
4. Didyk Yu. M. 2014. Trichinella – dangerous
trophy! Forest and Hunting Magazine. 6: 38-39.
5. Didyk Y., Karbowiak G., Szewczyk T, Werszko
J., Pogrebnyak S., SuperganMarwicz M. 2014. Borrelia burgdorferi
sensu lato in Ixodes ricinus ticks from Kyiv and Yalta, Ukraine.
Medical and Sanitary Significance (2-4 June, 2014), Kazimierz
Dolny, Poland, 2014 – P. 34-35.
6. Didyk Yu. M. 2013. Mites of the bird nests
from the Danube Biosphere Reserve and the Black Sea Biosphere
Reserve of Ukraine. Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum,
29: 13-18. [In Ukrainian, English summary]
7. Didyk Yu. M. 2013. Trichinella nematodes
of wildlife in Ukraine. Modern problems of parasitology. Proceedings
of the V International Conference on "Reading the memory
of prof. Barabash-Nikiforov " (14-16 March 2013), Voronezh,
Russia, 2013. – P. 53-56. [In Russian, English summary]
8. Karbowiak G., Slivinska K., Werszko J., Didyk
J. The occurrence of hard ticks in Chernobyl exclusion zone. Medical
and Sanitary Significance (3-5 June, 2013), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland,
2013 – P. 48-49.
9. Didyk Yu. M., Pogrebniak S. G. 2013. Ticks
birds' nests Danube and Black Sea Biosphere Reserves Ukraine.
Proceedings VIII Congress of the Ukrainian Entomological Society
(26-30 August, 2013), Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 43-44.
10. Didyk Yu. M. 2013. Studying of hard ticks
from Cape Martyan Reserve and Yalta Natural Reserve. Scientific
notes of Cape Martyan Reserve. – Vol. 4. – P. 123.
11. Didyk Yu. M. 2012. The bird nests acarofauna
from some reservations on the Northern Black Sea of Ukraine. Ukrainian
entomological journal, 2 (5): 45-48. [In Russian, English summary]
12. Akimov I. A., Didyk J. M. 2011. Trichinella
(Nematoda, Trichinellidae) of wild animals in Ukrainian Carpathian
and Polesie. In: Infectious and parasitic diseases of Animals.
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference. –
Kosice, Slovak Republic, September 7-8, 2011. – p. 248-251.
13. Karbowiak G., Slivinska K., Didyk J. M.,
Akimov I., Wita I. 2011. The morphological abnormalities of Dermacentor
reticulatus ticks in Chernobyl exclusion zone [Anomalie morfologiczne
u kleszczy Dermacentor reticulatus w strefie Czarnobylskiej].
In: Medical and Sanitary Significance. The 13th International
Symposium Parasitic and Allergic Arthropods. – Kazimierz Dolny,
Poland, June 6-8, 2011. – p. 29-30. [In English and Poland]
14. Akimov I. A., Didyk Yu. M. 2009. Using of
morphological characters of Trichinella capsules (Nematoda, Trichinellidae)
for species identification. Vestnik Zoologii, 23: 12-16. [In Russian,
English summary]
15. Didyk J. M. 2008. Trichinella taxonomy of
mammals in Ukraine. In: Principles and methods of biodiversity
conservation. The Proceedings of III Scientific Russian Conference.
Yoshkar-Ola, Pushchino, January 27 – February 1. – p. 138-140.
[In Russian, English summary]
16. Didyk J. M. 2008. Trichinella (Trichinella
spp.) of wild mammals in Ukraine. In: Parasitic diseases of humans,
animals and plants. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific
and Practical Conference. – Vitebsk, Belarus, September 25-26,
2008. – p. 249-252. [In Russian, English summary]
17. Akimov I. A., Didyk J. M. 2007. Trichinella
(Trichinella spp.) distribution among the hunting of mammals in
the western regions of Ukraine. In: Topical issues of parasitic
diseases. Proceedings of the seminar on topical issues of prevention
of parasitic diseases. – Rivne, Ukraine, August 20-23, 2007. –
p. 43-46. [In Russian, English summary]
18. Didyk J. M. 2006. Wild ungulates as the
reserve of trichinellosis in Polesie and western part of Ukraine.
Vestnik Zoologii, 3: 271–274. [In Russian, English summary]
19. Didyk J. M. 2006. Helminthes of the genus
Trichinella (Nematoda, Trichinellidae) amongst wild mammals in
Polesie and Carpathian. Vestnik Zoologii, 5: 457–461. [In Ukrainian,
English summary]
20. Didyk Yu .M. 2006. Epizootological features
of trichinellosis of wild animals in Ukraine. Problems of Zooinzheneriyi
and Veterinary Medicine, 13 (38): 57-60. [In Russian, English
21. Didyk Yu. M. 2006. Ecological features of
Trichinella (Nematoda, Trichinellidae) circulation among wildlife
in Ukraine. In: Fundamental Problems of ecology, environmental
geology and environmental management. Proceedings of the II International
Conference of Young Scientists and Students. Krivoy Rog, Ukraine,
Oktober 12, 2006. – p. 58-60. [In Ukrainian, English summary]
22. Akimov I. A., Didyk Yu. M., Pastusiak K.,
Cabaj W. 2005. Molecular identification of Trichinella isolates
from Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, 19 (1): 24-25. [In Russian, English
23. Didyk Yu. M. 2004. Studying of wild mammals
trichinellosis in Ukraine. Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo Natsionalnogo
Universiteta im V.I. Vernadskogo. Series “Biology, chemistry”.
17 (56): 203-205. [In Ukrainian, English summary]
24. Didyk Yu. M. 2004. Trichinella amongst wild
and domestic animals in Ukraine: prevalence, species composition
and hosts. In: Biodiversity and the role of animals in ecosystems.
Proceedings of the IV International Conference ZOOCENOSIS-2007.
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, October 9-12, 2007. p. 335-337. [In Russian,
English summary]
25. Akimov I. A., Didyk J. M. 2004. Study of
trichinellosis of wild ungulates in northwest Ukraine. In: Parasitic
diseases of humans, animals and plants. Proceedings of the III
International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Vitebsk,
Belarus, September 25-26, 2004. – p. 58-59. [In Russian, English
26. Didyk Yu.M., Akimov I.À. 2016. Trichinella
(Nematoda, Trichinellidae) amongst wild and domestic mammals in
Ukraine. Zoonoses – protection of public and animal health. 5th
Scientific Congress. (18 – 20 October 2016 Bratislava, Slovakia)
– p. 167-168.
27. Didyk Yu.M., Derdakova M. 2016. Hard ticks
and tick-borne pathogens dangerous to humans in urban parks of
the capital of Ukraine. Zoonoses – protection of public and animal
health. 5th Scientific Congress. (18 – 20 October 2016 Bratislava,
Slovakia) – p. 164-166.
28. Didyk Yu.M., Dudinska A.T., Derdakova M.
2016. Babesia and Francisella infections in Ixodes ricinus and
Dermacentor reticulatus from Uzhgorod, Ukraine. Ukrainska Entomofaunistyka.
Vol. 7, N 3. – p. 25. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2r3khZ1092SNG9mWGd5YUllR3M/view
29. Akimov I.A., Didyk Yu.M., Vichova B., Pogrebniak
S.G., Blanarova L., Petko B. 2016. Evidence of Babesia microti
in Ixodes ricinus ticks from Ukraine. Ukrainska Entomofaunistyka.
Vol. 7, N 3. – p. 4.
30. Akimov I.À., Didyk Yu.M. 2016. Prevalence
of Trichinella spp. among wild animals in Ukraine. Abstracts of
the XII. Ceske a Slovenske parazitologicke dny. (Ledec nad Sazavou,
Czech Repablik, May 16-20, 2016) – p. 65.
31. Didyk Yu.M., Derdakova M. 2016. Prevalence
of Borrelia species in Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Ukrainian city
parks. Abstracts of the XII. ceske a slovenske parazitologicke
dny. (Ledec nad Sazavou, Czech Repablik, May 16-20, 2016) – p.
64. http://www.parazitologie.cz/akce/cspd2016/doc/sbornik%202016.pdf
32. Didyk Yu. M., Vichova B., Pogrebniak S.
G., Blanarova L., Akimov I. A., Petko B. 2015. First molecular
evidence of Babesia microti in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Abstracts of the IV. LABUDOVE DNI. (Smolenice, Slovak Republic,
November 4-6, 2015) – p. 20.
33. Didyk Yu. M., Akimov I. A. 2015. Trichinella
(Nematoda, Trichinellidae) of wild animals in Ukraine. Abstracts
of the IV. LABUDOVE DNI. (Smolenice, Slovak Republic, November
4-6, 2015) – p. 54.
34. Didyk Yu. M. 2014. Trichinella infection
in wild animals in Ukraine. Abstracts of the 7th International
Conference on Emerging Zoonoses. (Berlin, October 16-17). p. 248.
35. Karbowiak G., Wroblewski P., Szewczyk T.,
Didyk Y., Ovcharenko M. 2014. Microsporidium sp. in the Ixodes
ricinus tick from Kyiv, Ukraine. 13th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF
PARASITOLOGY. (August 10th - 15th, Mexico City). – P.1110.
36. Karbowiak G., Nebogatkin I., Didyk Y., Szewczyk
T., Stanko M., Pet'ko B. 2014. Changes in hard ticks ranges during
the last decade in middle Europe: possible causes and potential
10th - 15th, Mexico City). – P.1111.
37. Didyk Yu. M., Smagol V. M. 2014. New record
of Ixodes uriae (Acari: Ixodidae) at the Vernadsky Research Base
Antarctica. Vestnik zoologii. – ¹ 1. – P. 93.
38. Karbowiak G., Vichova B., Slivinska K.,
Werszko J., Didyk J., Pet'ko B., 2013. The infection of Dermacentor
reticulatus ticks with Babesia canis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum
in Chernobyl exclusion zone. Annals of Parasitology. Vol. 59.
Suppl. – P. 171.
39. Didyk Yu. M., Hurnikova Z., Miterpakova
M. 2013. Trichinella in wildlife in Carpathan region of Ukraine
and Slovakia. Annals of Parasitology. Vol. 59. Suppl. – P. 116.
40. Didyk Yu. M. 2013. Distribution of Trichinella
in wildlife of Ukraine. XV Conference of the Ukrainian Scientific
Society of Parasitologists (15-18 October, Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
41. Akimov I. A., Didyk Yu. M. 2013. Anomalies
of external skeleton of hard ticks in Ukraine. XV Conference of
the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists (15-18 October,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine) – P. 8.
42. Karbowiak G., Pet'ko B., Nebogatkin I.,
Didyk J., Slivinska K., Stanko M. 2013.The change in hard ticks
ranges during the last decades in Europe. XV Conference of the
Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists (15-18 October,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine) – P. 128.
43. Didyk Yu. M. 2012. Trichinella of wild animals
in Ukraine. Abstracts of the XIth European Multicolloquium of
Parasitology. Cluj-Napoca, July 25-29, 2012. p. 366.
44. Akimov I. A., Didyk Yu. M. 2009. Trichinella
(Nematoda, Trichinellidae) prevalence amongst wild and domestic
animals in some regions of Ukraine. XIV Conference of Ukrainian
Scientific Society of parasitologists (Uzhgorod, 21-24 September
2009). Abstracts. - Kyiv, 2009. - p. 6.
45. Didyk J. M. 2008. Trichinella of wild animals
in Ukraine. Abstracts of the X European Multicolloquium of parasitology.
Paris, France, August 24-28, 2008. – p. 102.
46. Akimov I. A., Didyk J. M. 2004. Trichinellosis
of wild mammals in northwest Ukraine. Abstracts of the XI Intern.
Conference on Trichinellosis. San Diego, California, August 8–12,
2004. –2004. – p. 59.
1. Didyk Yu. M. 2007. Trichinella (Nematoda,
Trichinellidae) amongst wild animals in Ukrainian Carpathian and
Polesie. Theses submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
of the degree of Candidate of biological sciences. Kiev, Ukraine,
2007. – Abstract , P. 23. [in Ukrainian]