“A” (2.0*) for smallest warblers (Regulus, Phylloscopus
sp. etc.)
“B” (2.5 for 2.8) for tits, chaffinches (Parus,
Fringilla coelebs etc.)
“C” (3.3) for bullfinches, red-backed shrikes (Pyrrhula,
Lanius collurio etc.)
“E” (4.2) for thrushes, starlings (Turdus, Sturnus
vulgaris etc.)
“H” (5.5, 8.5**) for jays (Garrulus glandarius)
“J” (7.0) for magpies, female of the Sparrowhawk (Pica,
Accipiter nisus etc.)
“Z” (9.0) for wood pigeons (Columba palumbus)
“L” (11.0) for buzzards, yellow-legged gulls (Buteo,
Larus cachinnas)
“N” (16.0) for lesser spotted eagles and spotted eagles
“P” (26.0) for swans (Cygnus)
“Cs” (3.3) for sandpipers (Calidris)
“Es” (4.2) for snipes (Gallinago)
“D” (5.5, 8.5) for lapwings (Vanellus)
“K” (7.0, 8.5) for godwits, black-headed gulls (Limosa,
Larus ridibundus etc.)
“R” (9.0, 10.0) for rooks, marsh harriers (Corvus,
Circus aeruginosus etc.)
“T” (11.0, 10.0) for yellow-legged gulls (Larus cachinnans
“W” (13.0,10.0) for herons (Ardea)
“F” (14.0, 10.0) for mallards, pochards and other ducks
(Anas platyrhynchos, Aythya)
“X” (16.0,12.0) for storks (Ciconia)
“V” (19.0, 12.0) for cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo)
“S" (22.0, 12.0) for gees (Anser)