Корнєєв Северин Валерійович
Severyn V. Korneyev
список наукових праць
List of Published Papers
(тези доповідей та короткі фауністичні
замітки позначено синім)
(abstracts of talks at meetings and short
faunistic notes are marked in blue)
1. Korneyev, S.V. 2002. The first
record of the genus Cnodacophora (Diptera, Micropezidae) from Ukraine.
Vestnik zoologii, 36(5): 96.
2. Korneyev, S. V. & Korneyev, V. A. 2006. Malica
caraganae Richter (Diptera, Tephritidae, Trypetinae): remarks on its
biology and a description of the 3rd instar larva. Instrumenta Biodiversitatis,
7: 207–215.
3. Korneyev, S. V. 2007. The status
of “color morphs” in Terellia ruficauda group (Diptera, Tephritidae).
VII meeting of Ukrainian Entomological Society (Nizhyn, 14 18.08.2007):
Abstracts. Nizhyn: 63. (in Ukrainian)
4. Korneyev, S. V. 2008. Description of third instar
larvae of Terellia colon and T. virens (Diptera, Tephritidae). Vestnik
zoologii, 42(2): 115–122.
5. Korneyev, S. V. & Karpyuk,
T. S. 2009. Tephritis oedipus (Diptera, Tephritidae) associated with
flower heads of Lactuca tatarica (Asteraceae): the first record from
Europe. Vestnik zoologii, 43(6): 542.
6. Korneyev, S. V. 2009. The morphological
differences of Terellia ruficauda and Terellia florescentiae (Diptera,
Tephritidae). Conference of young scientists in zoology. Abstracts :
32 (In Ukrainian)
7. Korneyev, S. V. 2010. Review of fruit flies (Diptera:
Tephritidae) of Transcarpathian Region (Ukraine). Ukrainska entomofaunistyka,
2(4): 31–38. (In Ukrainian)
8. Almeida, J. M. & Korneyev,
S. V. 2010. The first record of Tephritis stictica (Diptera, Tephritidae)
from Portugal. Vestnik zoologii, 44(6): 552.
9. Pintilioaie, M. A. & Korneyev,
S. V. 2010. The first record of Myopites tenellus (Diptera, Tephritidae)
from Romania. Vestnik zoologii, 44(6): 552.
10. Korneyev, S. V., & Konovalov, S. V. 2010. Review
of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Lugansk Region (Ukraine).
Ukrainska entomofaunistyka, 1(2): 35–38. (in Ukrainian)
11. Bruckner, C. & Korneyev, S. V. 2010. Strauzia
longipennis (Diptera, Tephritidae), an important pest of sunflowers
recorded for the first time in the Palaearctic Region. Ukrainska entomofaunistyka,
1(1): 55–57.
12. Mohamadzade Namin, S. & Korneyev, S. V. 2012.
Tephritis azari, a new fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Iran and
Azerbaijan, with a key to the Tephritis maccus species group. Zootaxa,
3590: 79–85.
13. Korneyev, S. V. & Mohamadzade Namin, S. 2013.
A new species of the genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Turkmenistan,
Kazakhstan, and Iran. Vestnik zoologii, 47(2): 173–177.
14. Korneyev, S. V. 2013. Revision of species of the
genus Tephritis Latreille 1804 (Diptera: Tephritidae) with entire apical
spot. Zootaxa, 3620(1): 67–88.
15. Korneyev, S. V. 2014. Taxonomic
revision of Tephritis Latreille (Diptera: Tephritidae): preliminary
results. 8th International Congress of Dipterology. 10-15 August 2014.
Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume: 179.
16. Korneyev, S. V., Nikelshparg, M. I. 2015. The First
Record of Tephritis hurvitzi (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Russia. Vestnik
zoologii, 49(5): 478.
17. Korneyev, S. V., Karimpour, Y. & Mohamadzade
Namin, S. 2015. Rediscovery of Tephritis kogardtauica (Diptera, Tephritidae).
Vestnik zoologii, 49(2): 119-124.
18. Mohamadzade Namin, S. & Korneyev, S. V. 2015.
Revision of Heringina Aczel, 1940 (Diptera: Tephritidae), with description
of a new species from Iran and Turkey. Zootaxa, 3949(1), 111–122.
19. Korneyev, S. V., Mohamadzade Namin, S., Khaganinia,
S. & Zarghani, E. 2015. Palearctic species of the genus Tephritis
(Diptera, Tephritidae) associated with plants of the tribe Senecioneae
(Asteraceae). Zootaxa, 4007(2) 207–216.
20. Mohamadzade Namin, S., Korneyev, S. V., Parchami-Araghi,
M., Gilasian, E. 2015. Revision of the Tephritis maccus species group
(Diptera: Tephritidae) with description of a new species from Iran.
Zootaxa, 3956(4) 589–599.
21. Korneyev, S. V., Vikyrchak, O. K., Baczynski, A.
I. & Korneyev, V. A. 2016. A review of the fruit flies (Tephritidae)
(Insecta: Diptera) of the Ternopil Podillya. Ukrainska Entomofaunistyka,
7(4): 45–53
22. Korneyev, S. V. & Klasa, A. 2016. New records
and a revised checklist of fruit flies of the genus Tephritis (Diptera,
Tephritidae) from Ukraine. Vestnik zoologii, 50(3): 219–224.
23. Korneyev S. V. 2016. Tephritis mutabilis Merz (Diptera:
Tephritidae): first record from Asia. Ukrainska Entomofaunistyka, 7(1):
24. Korneyev S. V. 2016. New records of Tephritis acanthiophilopsis
Hering (Diptera: Tephritidae). Ukrainska Entomofaunistyka, 7(1) : 42.
25. Korneyev S. V. 2016. Tephritis hungarica Hering
(Diptera: Tephritidae): the first reliable find since description. Ukrainska
Entomofaunistyka, 7(1) : 30.
26. Korneyev S. V. 2016. On the taxonomic revision of
the genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae): new synonymy. Vestnik zoologii,
50(1): 31–38.
27. Mohamadzade Namin, S. & Korneyev, S. V. 2017.
A new species of Tephritis (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Iran with a pale
brown wing pattern. Annales Zoologici, (Warszawa), 2017, 67(1): 41–46.
28. Korneyev, S. V. 2017. A New Species of the Genus
Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae) with Shining Abdominal Tergites from
Kyrgyzstan. Vestnik zoologii, 51(2): 137–142.
29. Korneyev, S. V. & Korneyev, V. A. 2017. The
fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) described by Theodor Becker from
Iran and Western China revisited in the collections of the Zoological
Institute, Saint-Petersburg and Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin. Zootaxa,
4227(1) 089–105.
30. Korneyev, V. A., Mishustin R. I. & Korneyev,
S. V. 2017. The Carpomyini fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of Europe,
Caucasus, and Middle East: new records of pest species, with improved
keys. Vestnik zoologii, 51(6): 453–470.
31. Korneyev, V. A. & Korneyev, S. V. 2018. Distribution
and variability of Tephritis postica (Diptera: Tephritidae). Ukrainska
Entomofaunistyka, 9(1): 37–42.
32. Evstigneev, D. A. & Korneyev, S. V. 2018. New
and little-known species of the genus Tephritis Latreille (Diptera,
Tephritidae) from Kabardino-Balkaria and Adygea (Russia). Ukrainska
Entomofaunistyka 9(4): 5–15.
33. Korneyev, V. A., Kameneva, E. P. & Korneyev,
S. V. 2018. A Key to Invasive and Quarantine Species of the of the Superfamily
Tephritoidea (Diptera: Tephritidae, Ulidiidae) of Europe. Ukrainska
Entomofaunistyka, 9(4): 17–35.
34. Korneyev, S. V. & Korneyev, V. A. 2019. Revision
of the Old World species of the genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae)
with a pair of isolated apical spots. Zootaxa Monograph, 4582(1). Magnolia
Press, Aukland, 73 pp.