
My experience

BALINSKY SYMPOSIUM 10-11 April 2024. Event to commemorate the figure of prominent world scientist Boris Balinsky, and his contribution to the development of scientific knowledge in many fields.  As the name of Boris Balinsky unites Ukraine and the Republic of South Africa, the Symposium is to be considered as a platform for further development of Ukrainian - South African collaboration. The BALINSKY SYMPOSIUM marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and South Africa. The University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Vitaliy Kharchenko, Liudmyla Lastikova, Viktoria Konstantinova. Boris Balinsky at the Institute of Zoology

USAVA Congress June 6-8 2019. Užhorod. European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites in Ukraine: tasks and perspectives (In Ukrainian)

Scientific and practical seminar "Modern issues of parasitology, tropical diseases of animals and humans and educational and scientific approaches to their solution" at National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine & Scientific and methodological center "Agroosvita ". Kyiv, May 27, 2019. Flotation ovoscopy technique for the diagnosis of helminthiasis (In Ukrainian)

All-Ukrainian seminar: "Actual problems of diagnostics, control and prophylactics of  fish diseases" 10-11 October 2018. (In Ukrainian)

Scientific journals as the creators of the scientific landscape. Presentation on 6th International Conference Scientific Communication in the Digital Age. Kyiv, March 29-30, 2018. #SCDA18

Vestnik Zoologii" in English. First results. Presentation on 5th International Conference Scientific Communication in the Digital Age. Kyiv, March 29-30, 2017. #SCDA17

Academperiodica vs De Gruyter Open Presentation on VI Conference "Scientific Periodicals: traditions and innovations" June 8, 2016 (In Ukrainian)


Hints for Zoologists #5 Bibliographic databases and Bibliography managers




I want share this excellent work and hope it will help to save it.

Müller, B. (1950). Über die Larven der Strongyliden in der Darmwand des Pferdes [Inaugural-Dissertation genehmigt von der Naturwissenschaftlich-Landwirtschaftlichen. Abteilung der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig]. Leipzig: Universität Leipzig.


It is not rewarding work to give advices for somebody. However I never met anywhere a suitable technique for building a chart, which is frequently used in parasitology. This is Prevalence-abundance chart. In general it is called "population pyramid". The trick is - to build it automatically. Here is Microsoft Excel 2003 template, which can help do it. Actually I have jointed 2 different charts.

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V. A. Kharchenko
 Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved.
 Revised: 11-04-2024.