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Maryna Shkvyria, PhD

Department of Fauna and Systematics of Vertebrates

I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology

vul. B. Khmelnyts'kogo, 15

Kyiv, 01601, UKRAINE

Tel: +380 (44) 234-92-66

Fax: +380 (44) 234-15 69

E-mail: shkvyrya@gmail.com

Homepage: http://www.carnivora.com.ua

Date of birth

28 January 1982

Education and qualifications

2008 – till present - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine).

2004–2007 – Postgraduate course, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine).

2004 - Diploma of the Biological Faculty of The International Solomon University, cum laude. Biologist, zoologist.

Professional experience

2011 – till present - Researcher at Department of Fauna and Systematics of Vertebrates, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv.

2010-2011 – Leading zoologist at Kyiv Zoo.

2004–2010 – Technical assistant, Junior Researcher at Department of Fauna and Systematics of Vertebrates, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv.

Scientific interests

1. Ecology and behavior of Large Carnivorous of Ukraine and adjacent countries (Canis lupus L., 1758, Ursus arctos L., 1758, Lynx lynx L., 1758, Felis sylvestris Schreber, 1777).

2. The study of “man-predator” conflict in Ukraine and adjacent countries.

Field work experience

Natural reserves, National parks of Ukraine. Hunting economies.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Bialowieza Primeval Forest (Poland).

Special capabilities

Work experience with: wild animals, captive animals; obtaining of diagnostic material from wild animals; logical methods (ethogram method); snow-tracking, tracking; method of vocal stimulation; different field working attachments (photo-traps, olfactory attractants, GPS etc.); caving techniques, Single Rope Technique (SRT); cynology; radiotelemetry.

Scientific publications

Totally 21 publications of 12 original papers, 5 conference abstracts, 3 books and 1 scientific abstract.

Conducted research projects

2012 – The coordinator of a project of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine. Project title: “Development of scientific reasoning for Brown Bear semifree and captive maintenance in National Natural Park “Sinevir””.

2010 – till present – Researcher at Biodiversity of East-European and Siberian large mammals on the level of genetic variation of populations. Project title: BIOGEAST (grant No PIRSES-GA-2009-247652).

2009–2010 - The coordinator of field work in a project of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine. Project title: “Determination and mapping of significant eco-corridors for migration of the brown bear, individual habitats and dens, development of an electronic database, development and implementation of conservation and educational measures", ¹ 44/1260/21/4 from 17.12.2008.

2007 – till present – Researcher at Wolf and Bear Online Information System for Europe as a part of "Guidelines for population level management plans for large carnivores in Europe" supported by Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe in association with IEA, KORA, Callisto and NINA, as well as the European Commission (¹ 70501/2005/424162/MAR/B2 to IEA).

2004–2007 – PhD-course. Entitled: “Ecology and behavior of wolves in the territory of Ukraine”.

2002–2005 – International research project. Project title: ”Genetic variability and gene flow in the European populations of wolves”. Center of excellence in biodiversity conservation and mammal research in European terrestrial ecosystems.

Language skills

English (understanding, reading and speaking)

Russian (mother tongue)

Ukrainian (fluent)

List of publications

Original papers

Shkvyrya, M. Åuropean initiatives in the field of conservation and monitoring of wolf // Novitates theriologicae. – 2000. – 1, 3. – P. 9–10.

Zhyla, S., Shkvyrya, M., Negoda, V. Seasonal dynamics of bats populations in the Polissian Natural Reserve // Novitates theriologicae. - 2001. – P. 95-97.

Sàgajdak, A., Shkvyrya, M. Role of a Wolf in Hunting economies of the Ukrainian Polissja // Visnyk of L’viv University. Series Biology. - 2002. - 30. – P. 90-92.

Zhyla, S., Shkvyrya, M. Preliminary results of Track and Visual Wolves (Canis lupus) Marking in Polissian Natural Reserve // Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo Natsionalnogo Universiteta im. V. I. Vernadskogo. Series “Biology. Chemistry”. – 2003. – V. 17 (56), 2. – P. 58-60.

Shkvyrya, M. Onthogenesis of Wolf’s (Canis lupus) Behaviour // Visnyk of L’viv University, Series Biology. – 2004. – 38. – P. 129-132.

Shkvyrya, M. Ìînitoring of Large Carnivores of Central Polissya // Visnyk of International Solomon University. – 2004. – 9. – P. 4-9.

Shkvyrya, M. Monitoring researches of Large Carnivore Mammals in Ukrainian Polissya // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University, Series Biology. – 2005. – 17. – P. 100-104. [In Ukrainian].

Shkvyrya, M., Kolesnikov, M. Observations on the Wolve’s Pack on the territory of Uzhsky Hunting economy // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. – 2005. – 17. – P. 79-81.

Shkvyrya, M., Kolesnikov M. Features of wolf ecology and behavior in Ukraine // Vestnik zoologii. – 2008. – 42, N 2. – P. 143—152.

Melis, C., Jedrzejewska, B., Apollonio, M., Jedrzejewski, W., Barto, K., Linnell, J., Kojola, I., Kusak, J., Adamic, M., Ciuti, S., Delehan, I., Dykyy, I., Krapinec, K. I., Mattioli, L., Sagaydak, A., Samchuk, N., Schmidt, K., Sidorovich, V., Shkvyrya M., Zawadzka, B. Predation has greater impact in less productive environments: biogeographic variation in roe deer Capreolus capreolus population density across Europe // Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. – 45 ð.

Pilot, M., Branicki, W., Jedrzejewski, W., Goszczynski, J., Jedrzejewska, B., Dykyy, I., Shkvyrya, M., Tsingarska, E. Phylogeographic history of grey wolves in Europe // BMC Evolutionary Biology. - 2010. - 10, 104. - Ð. 1 – 29.

Shkvyrya, M. G., Vishnevskiy, D. Large carnivores of the chernobyl nuclear power plant exclusion zone // Vestnik zoologii. – 2012. - 46, N3.- P. 21—28.

Conference abstracts

Zhyla, S., Shkvyrya, M. Activities of stationary mammals research center that was made on the base of polissian reserve // Novitates theriologicae. – 2001. – 5. – 39.

Zhyla R., Shkvyrya M., Petryv Z. Spatial distribution of lynxes and wolves in the Polissya Reserve // Luhansk University Bulletin. – 2002. – 1. – P. 173—174.

Zhyla, S., Shkvyrya, M., Petriv, Z., Sagajdak, A., Garmata, S. Territorial distribution of Lynxes and Wolves in region of Polyssian Reserve // Visnyk of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko State pedagogical university. – 2002. - 1. – P. 173-174.

Shkvyrya, M. G. Aspects of biocoenotic wolf relationships with other carnivore species // Rare theriofauna and conservation. – Luhansk, 2008. – P. 281—282.

Shkvyrya, M. G. The wolf—man relationships in Ukraine // International union of game biologist XXIX congress (17-22 of August of 2009). – Moscow, 2009.


Shevchenko, L., Shkvyrya, M. Brown bear // Red Data Book of Ukraine. – Kyiv: Publ. House “Hlobalkonsaltynh”, 2009. – P. 537.

Shkvyrya, M., Shevchenko, L. Lynx // Red Data Book of Ukraine. – Kyiv: Publ. House “Hlobalkonsaltynh”, 2009. – P. 546.

Shkvyrya, M. The man-predator conflict in Ukraine. – Kyiv: Print Quick, 2012. – 72 p.

PhD Thesis (abstract)

Shkvyrya M. G. Distribution, ecology and behavioral features of the wolf (Canis lupus) in Ukraine // Author’s abstract Candidate of biological sciences – Kyiv, 2008. – 22 p.



I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, 2004-2009