Fauna, systematics and phylogeny of parasites
of terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates, helminth life cycles,
place and role of various groups of vertebrates and invertebrates
in helminth transmission in ecosystems.
Vitaliy A. Kharchenko
- DrSci., Dr. Hab., Leading Researcher, Head of the Department
Nematodes of the orders Rhabditida and Strongylida;
parasites of wild and domestic vertebrates, their control.
Page >> |
Vadim V. Kornyushin,
Prof., DrSci. - Principal Researcher
Fauna, systematics and phylogeny of Cestoda
E-mail: vadikorn[et]izan.kiev.ua
Personal Page
and List of Publications |
Olga I. Lisitsina
- PhD, Senior Researcher
Acanthocephala of terrestrial vertebrates
E-mail: olisitsyna[et]izan.kiev.ua |
Yuriy I. Kuzmin
- DSc, Leading Researcher
Nematodes of the family Rhabdiasidae; parasitic
nematodes of amphibians, reptiles and other terrestrial vertebrates
Page |
Tetyana A. Kuzmina
- PhD, Leading Researcher
Parasites and parasitoses of wild and domestic
ungulates; biological and integrated control of parasites
Page |
Kateryna A. Slivinska
- PhD, Senior Researcher
Parasites and parasitoses of horses |
Oksana B. Geben
- PhD, Senior Researcher
Cestodes of birds
E-mail: oksana1greben[et]gmail.com |
Olena Kudlai
- PhD, Junior Researcher
Participation of fresh-water molluscs in transmission
of trematodes
E-mail: alena[et]izan.kiev.ua
page |
Yaroslav Syrota
- PhD, Junior Researcher
Helminth of waterfowl
E-mail: goobar4.699@gmail.com
page |
Oleksandr M.
Malega - Junior Researcher
Parasites of game animals |
Ivanna G. Dmytrieva
- post-graduate student
Parasite communities of amphibians |
Olena O. Sokolova - Engineer
Volunteers of the Department |
Eleonora N. Korol - PhD
Mollusca as intermediate hosts of helminths
Page |
Ruslan V. Salamatin - Dr. Hab.
Castodes of birds; cestode fine structure |
Yegor Yakovlev
- PhD, Junior Researcher
Biology of Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN)
from families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae
Working Group on Fish Parasites and Parasitises
Oleksandr A. Losiev - PhD, Senior Researcher
Yuliya S. Ivasiuk - PhD, Junior Researcher
Valentyna M. Lysenko - Engineer