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[Department of Invertebrate Fauna and Systematics]


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E-mail: leonid.svetlichny@gmail.com


Leading Research Scientist


Education and degrees

2006: Senior Research Scientist Title (equivalent to Associate Professor), Ukrainian Supreme Qualification Commission

1983: Candidate of Sciences Degree (equal to PhD) in hydrobiology, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of NAS of the UkrSSR, Sevastopol

1968 – 1975: M.V. Frunze Simferopol State University, Biological Faculty


Professional career

Since 2017: Leading Research Scientist at the Department of Invertebrate Fauna and Systematics of the I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of NAS of the Ukraine, Kiev

2015 – 2016: Leading Research Scientist at the same Department of A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS, Sevastopol, Ukraine

2014 – 2015: Leading Research Scientist at the Department of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry of A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of NAS of the Ukraine, Sevastopol

1986 – 2014: Senior Research Scientist at the Department of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry of A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of NAS of the Ukraine, Sevastopol

1968 – 1984: Research Assistant, Junior Research Scientist, Department of Plankton, The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of NAS of the UkrSSR, Sevastopol


Research interests

• Zooplankton biodiversity, ecology, morphology, physiology, behavior, biomechanics and hydrodynamics;

• Water temperature, salinity and oxygen concentration in life cycles of planktonic copepods;

• Microplastics consumption and its effect on energy metabolism and locomotor activity of copepods


Work experience

1974 – 2018: Fifteen long (up to five months) expeditions to Atlantic, Indian Oceans, the Black and Mediterranean Seas aboard national (“Michail Lomonosov”, “Akademik Kovalevsky”, “Professor Vodyanitsky”) and international (“Bilim”, “Knorr”) research vessels. More than 30 cruises on small research vessels in the Marmara and Black Seas.

Field and laboratory experience with planktonic organisms especially calanoid copepods, handling of various sampling devices as well as live and preserved samples, determining the taxonomic composition, morphological and physiological parameters.

Determination of respiration rate and biomechanical characteristics of planktonic organisms with highly sensitive sensors and high-speed video


Participation in the projects

2019: Group leader of the project of Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Marine Research Centre, Helsinki (Finland) “Comparing the effects of conventional and biodegradable microplastics on the lower planktonic food web of the Northern Baltic Sea (COMB)”, AQUACOSM GA ¹732065.

2017-2019: Participant of the project funded by Istanbul University “The Impact of Polystyrene Microplastics on behaviour and certain physiological activities in the Marine Copepods from the Sea of Marmara”. Project No: FUA-2017-25919.

2015-2016: Participant of the project of the Fisheries Faculty of the Istanbul University IRP 49165 "Effect of abiotic factors on the state of zooplankton community in the Golden Horn Estuary (Istanbul)".

2012-2014: Participant of the project PERSEUS funded by the EU under FP7 Theme “Oceans of Tomorrow” OCEAN.2011-3 Grant Agreement No. 287600.

2007-2009: Co-director of the LG NATO project “Adaptability and Vulnerability of Marine Species in Changing Environments” (ESP.NUKR. CLG 983036) (Turkish - Ukrainian – Italian cooperation).

2007-2009: Co-director of TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific Technical Research Council) – NASU (National Academy of the Ukraine) project ¹107Y001 “Salinity tolerance as a key factor of invasion success of the mesozooplankton species into the Sea of Marmara”.

2005-2007: Co-director of TUBITAK - NASU project ¹104Y208 “Salinity tolerance as a key factor of invasion success of the copepods of Calanus genus into the Sea of Marmara”.

2001-2004: Participant of the LG NATO “Grazing, growth and production of Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea” ¹ 978629 (Turkish and Ukrainian cooperation).

1997-1999: Participant of the LG NATO "Science for Peace" “Black Sea Ecosystem, Processes, Prediction and Operation Data Management” ¹ 971818 (Turkish - Ukrainian - Russian cooperation)

1996-1997: Participant of the LG NATO "Science for Stability" “Pelagic animals food supply in unstable Black Sea environment” ¹ 973262 (Turkish - Ukrainian - Russian cooperation)


Research Visits

2019: Research visit to the Marine Research Centre of Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Helsinki (Finland).

2018: Research visit to the Faculty of Aquatic Science of the Istanbul University, Turkey.

2015: Two research visits to the Fisheries Faculty of the Istanbul University, Turkey.

2007-2009: Two research visits to Marine Biology Station, Universita Del Salento, Lecce, Italy.

2005-2009: Eight research visits to the Fisheries Faculty of the Istanbul University, Turkey.

2001: Research visit to Sinop University, Fisheries Faculty, Department of Hydrobiology, Sinop, Turkey.

1996-1999: Seven research visits to the Institute of Marine Science, Erdemli, Turkey.


Some other accomplishments

Reviewer for scientific journals, e.g. “Marine Biology”, “Marine Ecology Progress Series”, “Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science”, “Journal of Plankton Research”, “ICES Journal of Marine Science”, “Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies”


Membership of professional/academic organizations

Working Group on Mediterranean Zooplankton Ecology 2016

ICES Expert Group on Pseudodiaptomus marinus 2018


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ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9224-6371



I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, 2004-2023