Укр Eng


[Department of Invertebrate Fauna and Systematics]


Юлія Сергіївна РЯБЦЕВА




Postgraduate student, Laboratory Technician

Education and degrees

2009 – present: Postgraduate course, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev

2004 – 2009: M. Sc. in Biology (Honors Diploma), V.A. Suhomlinskiy Nikolayev National University, Nikolayev, Ukraine

Professional career

Since 2011: Laboratory Technician, Laboratory of Zoogeography, I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev

Since 2009: Postgraduate Student at the Department of Fauna and Systematics of Invertebrates, I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev

Research interests

The morphology, biology, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Gastropod family Viviparidae Gray, 1847

Field work experience

Malacological Expeditions to the southern (2008 – 2011) and western Ukraine (2010)

Some other accomplishments

Co-organizer of All-Ukrainian Young Zoologists Conference (2010)



Ryabceva Yu.S, Vychalkovskay N. V. 2009. The new data about details of reproduction of Monacha fruticola (Krynickii, 1833). In: Abstracts of the 1st international conference of young scientists. Donetsk, Donetsk National University (23-26 February, 2009). T.1: 236-237 [in Russian].

Ryabceva Yu.S., Anistratenko O.Yu. & Anistratenko V.V. 2010. An embryonic shell morphology and teleoconch variability for gastropod snails Viviparus of Ukraine. Proceedings of the Ternopol’ National Pedagogical University. Series: Biology, 2 (43): 430-434 [in Ukrainian with English summary].

Ryabceva Yu.S., Degtyarenko E.V. 2011. Unusually large Viviparids (Gastropoda, Viviparidae) in pond near settlement Nemeshaevo (Kyiv Region). Vestnik zoologii, 45(2):160 [in Russian].

Ryabceva Yu.S. 2011. To the knowledge of the life cycle and peculiarities of the ontogeny of Viviparids of Ukraine (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Viviparidae). In: Abstracts of VII International Research-and-practical Conference of the young scientists at the problems of ecosystems «Pontus Euxinus – 2011», devoted to the 140 years of the Institute of biology of the southern seas. Sevastopol: EKOSI – Gidrofisika (May 24-27, 2011): 206-208 [in Russian].


I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, 2004-2009